Transport Details


The Busway Routes and Times – here

Route 5 Timetable – here


National Rail – Official Site – here

Trainline – Official Site – here


Alpha Cars – Longstanton – 01954 232300 – website here

Panther – Cambridge – 01223 then 715715 or 424424 or 523523 – website here

Cambridge City – 01223 832832 – website here

OWLS Community Car Scheme

The OWLS Community Car Scheme serves residents of Over, Willingham, Longstanton and Swavesey. Run by CRB-checked volunteers, it offers a door-to-door car service for people, often the elderly, who do not have access to other forms of transport. The scheme is used mainly for medical journeys, such as hospital, surgery and physiotherapy, though on occasions other types of journey are provided. Passengers make a contribution of 30p a mile, with a minimum charge of £3. This is payable to the driver on the day of the journey. Mileage is calculated to and from the driver’s home.

A minimum of 48 hours notice is required. Please phone between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday to arrange a journey or to find out more about the scheme.

OWLS Contact Number:  07505 254363

OWLS are currently seeking additional volunteer drivers. If you have some spare time and would like to help this worthwhile scheme, please ring 07505 254363 for details, without commitment. Drivers use their own car and receive an additional 15p per mile from Cambridgeshire County Council. Journeys are arranged through a volunteer co-ordinator