Willingham Action Group is branching out to encourage more sustainability in our community. As a start we would like to invite you to take a pledge to reduce your consumption of plastics.
Please send your pledge to willinghamsustainability@gmail.com
We will need to know your name
Your email address
and who else you are signing the pledge for – if signing on behalf of your household, please let us know how many people there are in it.
Prize Draw
We will be holding a draw just before Christmas 2021 of all the names we receive. We are offering a prize of a hamper with a difference – it will consist of locally sourced goodies wrapped and packaged with the most sustainable options available. We will keep you informed of the contents as they are gathered, with each item serving as an example of how you can do microthings to help protect the environment, slow climate change and maybe even improve your own health.
So what (else) could you do?