Sustainable Willingham

Willingham Action Group has started a new project concerning the various aspects of Sustainability. The current activities relate to limiting use and greater recycling of plastics and also reducing the amount of meat we eat. We also plan to start a Repair Café but that must wait until Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

We also wish to become involved with greater consumption of local food production, reusing rather than replacing, energy conservation, caring for the environment and increasing biodiversity. Our actions will involve providing information about the issues, encouraging involvement and planning some actions.

If you would like to join us to work on any of the above then please contact us at the following address and stating your area of interest

Food Issues

See details of our local farm shops here

Why not try ‘Meat Free Monday?’ here

Find out about how far food may travel from farm to the plate here

Learn about the cost to the environment due to food production here

Use of Plastics

Look at tips submitted by Willingham residents on how to reduce plastic waste here

Take the Willingham Plastics Pledge here

Learn about types of plastics here

Petitions to sign

These can be found here