Beware of Scams
Please be aware that during this difficult time scammers can be even more active. The scams involve offers of money from the Government to help you, asking for donations to help fight the virus, offers to buy protective equipment, and much more. Please be very wary about communications you receive that are related to the current epidemic as thieves are using it as an excuse. Always check the authenticity of everything before you give your money.
WAG Needs Volunteers
Willingham Action Group has instigated many improvements to our village life. Working with the Parish Council we helped with purchase and design of the play equipment by the Ploughman Hall. WAG volunteers planted 1300 trees around the village and in the Community Orchard. In the past we have organised litter picking, started several social groups and each year we coordinate the Feast events. These things are just a small sample of all we do but we want to do more and for that we need more volunteers. As a volunteer you might give a few hours once a year running the bar at the Fen Gallop, alternatively you could join our Environment Group and spend many hours helping maintain the orchard – the fruit is free! It’s your choice as to how much you do, and when.
Our volunteers become great friends and we have our own WAG social lives. If you want to join us or want more information please contact us here
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